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Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Duties of A Website Development Company

Website development is an important part of a business. A website plays an important part in structuring the business purposes. As an online business, it is important that the web pages of the business
website be found on the top searches. Therefore, there comes a duty of developing the website in the most professional and user-friendly way.
This is the reason most of the online business companies prefer to work with website development companies that give the assurance of their work. However, it is a matter of concern that who are we providing work too, is their team even capable of doing all the development and delivering the product to us or not, exactly as we had expected. Let us look at some of the team members that the best website developers hire for their work.

Requirement analyst: This is the first web team member with whom the client needs to communicate. He takes the ideas of the clients and then turns them into technical specifications. The main task of this analyst is to understand from the client what he sees in the project and then pass this information to the rest of the team members. An analyst has to understand clearly the goals of the client and the goals of the website users. If he understands these things clearly, only then it is advised to hand over the project to the team. It is the duty of the analyst to keep in contact throughout the processing of the website, so if any changes are required, the client can easily tell him or her.

UX and UI designer: Most of the companies hire the same person to perform these tasks. UX designers carry the functional user requirements. It is their duty to make sure that the product design is resolving the problems faced by the target audience. Whereas, UI designers handle the product visuals, including color scheme, and overall style. They also design animations and logos.

Web Developers: The developers bring the website of the clients into life. There is a need to know about enough technology to write on the client side and server-side code. Their basic knowledge must include HTML, CSS,and JavaScript. There are HTML and CSS developers who change the product visuals into codes and then there are front-end developers who make sure that the website looks good on all kinds of devices. Then, there are back-end developers who design the server architecture.

Quality assurance specialists: These are among the most important team members. They check the quality of the developed website before handing it to the client. When the developers bring new features, the specialists look at every side of these features. These QA specialists, write tests, perform the negative tests on the features, and check the user interface and compatibility with different browsers.

Now it is clear that all the four-team members are very important for the development of a website since it consumes time and money to invest in them and develop website by oneself, therefore, one should hire a website development company and get the job done. Source:-
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